Land measurement for cadastral system
The purpose of land readjustment works is to form new cadastral units or transform existing ones. Cadastral files completed as a result of land readjustment works are submitted for registration in the land cadastre.
Reaalprojekt’s land readjustment works:
- Formation of new cadastral units for the purpose of land restitution, privatisation, municipalisation or retention in state ownership.
- Changing the boundaries of existing cadastral units.
- Division or merger of existing cadastral units.
- Surveying of cadastral units formed on the basis of maps and plans.
- Marking the boundaries of cadastral units and restoring boundary markers.
Education + experience
Our team consists of EMO land readjustment specialists with professional education and longstanding work experience who possess professional qualifications. Our long-term experience allows us to offer our clients a high-quality land surveying service.
Quality is also ensured with the modern technology we use. Our surveying equipment is based on Trimble Robotic S6 and Topcon GTS603 electronic tachymeters, Garmin handheld GPS with an accuracy of two metres and GPS Trimble R6 and Topcon Hiper+ real-time GPS devices. We use special software combined with AutoCAD to format the works.
We carry out work throughout Estonia.